Category: Trends |
This spoof on Photoshop couldn't have arrived at a better time. With companies receiving backlash for overuse of Photoshop, we're often left wondering "maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Photoshop?"
Fotoshop by Adobé from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

When you consider plastic surgery, you inevitably wonder about other people’s opinions. You wonder what people think about the way you look, and what they will say about the changes that you make to your appearance. You wonder if people will like the way you look following surgery, and how obvious it will be that you’ve “had some work done.” Along with these basic concerns, which are of course totally natural, you will probably also be wondering whether or not the procedure that you are undergoing is very common, or whether many other people are having the same procedure these days. Fortunately, there are a number of plastic surgery websites out there, and many of them have information about current trends in plastic surgery.
One trend that appears to be fairly widespread with regard to plastic surgery is that facial procedures seem to be in some decline. This may be for a few different reasons. However, the main cause of the trend would appear to be that alternative methods for facial alterations—such as botox creams, collagen injections, and other such methods—have become more efficient and effective, and are thus gaining in popularity. It naturally follows that fewer people are bothering with invasive surgical methods, when they can simply use injections and creams to affect change in their faces. Additionally, surgeries are more expensive, meaning that where there are alternatives, a lot of people choose to use them.
Another trend in plastic surgery is to use imaging “preview” programs to better choose procedures. For example, some surgeons now have computer programs that can accurately depict (more or less) exactly what a woman will look like after a breast augmentation procedure. This can help that woman to decide if she wants the procedure done, or if she would like to change the details or forego the procedure. This sort of preview method is very popular, as it simply allows patients to better understand what they are getting into when undergoing plastic surgery. Want to see photographed results, you can find breast augmentation before and after photos (NSFW) on several plastic surgery websites as well.
Ultimately, trends do not matter too much with regard to your individual decision, in the sense that you should not make a decision based upon what is popular. However, the sorts of trends mentioned in this article can be helpful in letting you know more about your options. For that reason, you should always keep an eye on the world of plastic surgery, as long as you are considering a procedure. News and trends can help to keep you up to date on the most effective methods out there.
We love nail polish but we are currently digging these nail styles:
Ombre Nails
Have a lot of polish? It's okay, so do we! That's why we love ombre nails, you can utilize varying shades of polish to create a fun look. It's also a good excuse to buy more polish.
Photo: TheBeautyDepartment
Accent Nails
Can't decide between two colors of polish? Don't! Try an accent nail (we prefer the ring finger) in a different color or shade to mix up your manicure.
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